Wednesday, June 10, 2009

spa day

I had a great time at the salon yesterday. My family gave me a gift card for a spa day. Massage, pedicure, manicure, facial. It was wonderful, relaxing, and everything it should have been.
Back to the facial. I'm sure I look younger. But the 'slight tingle' she warned of was actually a horrible burn that felt like jalapeno juice being poured in an open wound.
That's how I described it.
So why did my daughter announce at VBS that I had a great time, but the facial was hotter than (insert certain very hot location).
Yes, she did that.


Jessica Nelson said...

Hahaa! That would mortify me if one of my kids did that.

A spa...someday, I hope I can go to one. What a great family you have! Glad you enjoyed it. :-)

brenda minton said...

It was pretty mortifying. :-)My middle kid told me it was my fault, because when we read the Bible, we say that word, and we explain to the kids that it's a place...

The spa day. It was great, and because we live in a smaller community, pretty inexpensive.

But I will agree, I do have a pretty great family. :-)